Premier League - The Fallen Angel?
Fall, decline, demise - are some of the words that flashed in the media headlines in their claim that the Premier League has lost its first place among European leagues after the defeat of Arsenal and Manchester United in the Champions League. This leaves CL with no English representation in the semi-finals for the first time since 2003. In my opinion this should only be seen as a momentary blip or a culmination of bad luck.I do not think the standards of the Premier League have fallen over the last year. It has in fact become stronger overall. Liverpool, Chelsea and Manchester United arguably did not play up to their potential. But this wobble by the 'Big Four' has lot to do with the emergence of teams like Manchester City, Tottenham, Aston Villa and Everton. Because of this sudden sprout, the number of 'big games' have drastically increased. For example, a couple of years earlier a Manchester United game against Aston Villa would not have sounded as 'big' as it now.

The premier League is no longer a two horse race or a four horse race. It is race of champions, and this has truly enriched the league. With teams, this summer, planning to add depth and quality in their squad, another round of complete European dominance is not too far away.
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